Sur-Thrive-Al: Coffee Collaboration

Sur-thrive-al coffee bag and mug

It’s a unique time, eh?


 Perhaps you’ve noticed, but many, many parties are trying to seize the enormous potential of this moment. Some of it’s good. Some of it ain’t. What do we want? A few things. We want to be generous. We want to make a difference. We want to introduce people into more deeply enjoyable lives with God. Here’s another way we’re doing that: in every city, there are businesses that stitch the community together. We picked a couple of our favorites, in different parts of the country, and asked them to designate one coffee bag And Sons Sur-Thrive-Al. What’s that mean? For one thing, you get great coffee, shipped to your house. For another, $1 of every sale goes to local COVID-19 relief. But, most of all, shops that make a difference to entire communities get business. 


Don’t get me wrong. I love Amazon as much as the next guy. But if I can vote with my dollars, I’m going to vote for the little guy, all the way through this thing.


By the way, And Sons gets $0 from this deal. Because, sometimes generosity means pointing out a good choice, even if it doesn’t really help you. You can do that in your world, too, and choose to be part of the resistance that benefits people right out your front door. 

US Map showing locations of Building 3 and Union Coffee Co.

The Shops



Building3 Coffee was born out of a love for family. Its founders served in the U.S. Army for over 12 years before being called away, into the specialty coffee scene. Since then, they’ve become a pillar in the area’s sourcing/roasting/serving coffee community. These guys have tied in with the local Rescue Mission. They’ve let a growing string of churches use their space. They’ve hosted giving events to support downtown renewal. They've also allowed multiple local businesses to take over their shop. The list goes on. And they really support people. Plus, when it comes to the coffee, there’s no two ways about it: this is a great bean.

B3 is donating to the Springs Rescue Mission, helping the homeless in the city.


Union Coffee Co. is a not-so-hidden gem. They carry a passion to unite the communities of small-town New Hampshire, and though that sounds insta-worthy, it’s a messy undertaking, and they’ve committed to it. From motorcycle bike nights to theology on tap to hosting area bands, they’ve become a communal mainstay, without sacrificing the quality of the bean. While many coffee shops (all of them?) carry a concern for their region, these guys have put their money where their mouth is, and improved their community.

Union Coffee Co. will be donating to Share Outreach, which helps the disadvantaged in their community.


Blaine Eldredge

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Compete for the Outcome


COVID-19 is Our Moment