And Sons Podcast Archive
Explore the archive of the weekly podcast, hosted by Sam Eldredge and Blaine Eldredge, on the development of the soul, our cultural moment, and interviews with experts in their own words.
The Episodes

Story 1 or Story 2
God gives you a choice. Do you want to spend your days in Story 1 or Story 2? Unfortunately, most choose Story 1—small stories of low risk, high control and quick answers where comfort is valued more than what God's up to. You wouldn't watch a Story 1 movie but often end up living it. And Sons podcast producer Allen Arnold joins Sam and Blaine to share his desire to stay in Story 2—a costly place of wonder, mystery, risk, adventure, and intimacy...with no guarantees other than God. Choosing that path gave him his voice back in more ways than one. And he's using it to invite others into a life of Story 2.

What Conflict Reveals
No sane person enjoys conflict. When things go wrong, we quickly try to make up and move on. While that may work for minor disagreements, it isn't nearly as helpful for long-term conflicts in marriages and close relationships. Resolving these issues requires us to slow down and see what's really going on. Sam and Blaine share stories (both the good and the bad) of ways they've dealt with long-term conflict, how to name the pain in healthy ways, and the steps of forgiveness most needed in these moments.

99% In
What is Jesus inviting you to experience more—or less—of in this season? Whatever it is, you'll never fully achieve it being 99% in. Why? Because even just 1% uncertainty leaves the door cracked to opt out when the going gets tough. You aren't called to do everything, but when something really matters, it helps to embrace the "no eject" option. To paraphrase author Annie Grace, "99% in is brutal but 100% in is a breeze". If you'd like to start feeling the wind at your back in an area you'd like breakthrough in, draw a line in the sand and be all in.

High Expectations with Low Reserves
In this second And Sons livestream, Sam Jolman joins Sam and Blaine to discuss how even though life seems to be getting back to normal, we're often not doing as well as we think we are. We do something replenishing and it takes forever to recover. Or we binge on what we've been longing for—and overdo it. It's like there's a hole in our buckets. But what if the outward signs of being drained, reactive, or easily irritated are telling us something essential...and the solutions are more simple than we imagine?

Summer Strategies
Your heart needs a different gear for summer—one that creates space for sabbath, play, and risk. What does that look like? Sam and Blaine offer ways to feed your soul this summer with a mix of experiences that: 1) are kind and refreshing, 2) lead to adventure, newness, and make for really good future stories, and 3) develop your capacity to dream and anticipate. Listen and see what stirs your heart. Then make time for that kind of summer.

A Life of Meaning
A hyper-vigilant, high-alert life may sound wise, but all it ultimately brings is higher anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. A life of meaning, on the other hand, places a higher value on loving well rather than simply knowing more. The goal isn't endless information but true wisdom...the kind that only comes from a relationship with God. Sam and Blaine describe ways to add wonder and awe to our days, the role evidence and language play in our decisions, and how "the collapse of testimony" shapes how we see our story...and reality.

Captive or Free?
In our second livestream, Sam and Blaine look at how today's culture encourages people to see themselves as permanent victims. Yet how does that view align with the teachings of Jesus? By his own definition, he came to heal the brokenhearted and set the captive free (Isaiah 61). And we're no longer captive once we (along with our hearts) are set free. Here's a counterintuitive look at how we can name real pain and trauma for the sake of healing without claiming those wounds as our primary identity.

Stuck in the Middle, Pt 2
Divisive topics tend to divide relationships—but they don't have to. In this series conclusion, Sam and Blaine reveal ways to lead with our hearts in an issues-infatuated culture. We may still be attacked, but we won't be destroyed. Because when we pursue forgiveness over being right, we engage Jesus in the very places we feel most opposed and isolated. And there is no safer place to be than that.

Stuck in the Middle, Pt 1
In such polarizing times, safety comes from being fully in with one side or the other on any given topic. Having your own opinion—rather than falling in line with the loudest voice—can create a sense of fear and isolation. In the first half of this two-part conversation, Sam and Blaine swap stories of feeling stuck in the middle.

Inconvenience & Initiation
Our culture is obsessed with convenience. Fast and easy sounds great but rarely leads to growth. That's why many have taken the opposite approach, pursuing hard and inconvenient things. But choosing a life based on either extreme is likely to cause damage. The goal isn't to make life convenient or inconvenient based on a set of "auto-pilot" assumptions. It's to ask God what's needed and allow him, as Father, to initiate us as sons and daughters through each situation.

Mediocre at Everything
In And Sons’ first livestream, Sam and Blaine discuss the struggle of feeling only adequate at life while others appear to be crushing every goal in sight. It's a time where the verdict starts to come in—or so it seems—on whether you're a success or barely passing. Most feel like they don't measure up. So why try harder if your best still misses the mark? Here's an honest conversation about facing these feelings without losing hope, beating yourself up, or downgrading your future.

How Stories Shape Us
All movies and stories aren't created equal. They tell us about the nature of reality, form how we see the world, and shape our souls in both good and bad ways. Most people embrace one of two extremes when it comes to story. They either passively consume any and all content, oblivious of how it's affecting their worldview. Or they withdraw from any stories other than those with overt Christian messages. Sam and Blaine suggest a better way—the practice of engaging story by both being aware of what we're taking in while also understanding how God speaks to us through the language of story.

Seeing Your Blind Spots
No one likes to think they have blind spots. But, well, no one is immune. We've all had that moment where we thought we nailed it only to realize we somehow misread the person or situation in front of us...yet again. In this MetaDragon podcast, Sam and Blaine offer tools to identity and resolve our blind spots when it comes to us, our families, and the world at large. It isn't about trying harder—but seeing life more accurately.

Embracing Negative Space
We miss so much in the world around us due to overfamiliarity—from the sound of a nightly train and the smell of our homes to the sky around the stars. In this And Sons MetaDragon episode (see show notes), Sam and Blaine dive into the concept of negative space. In art, this is the space between figures in a composition. Artists regularly use negative space to enhance their paintings, photographs, songs, and architecture. Yet our lives also have negative space within them—such as the distance we put around the things and people around us. Whether in art or life, the absence of something can be as or more important than the presence of something...once we understand the value of negative space.

Like Your Own Voice
James Arnold Taylor is the man of more than 200 voices—including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Johnny Test, The Flash, and Fred Flintstone. He's also a man who has discovered his own true voice...and enjoys helping others know and like who they are. In this far-ranging conversation, the highly acclaimed voice actor discusses pursuing what you love even when it makes no sense to those around you, the journey of finding his true father, and the power of speaking honestly—whether in the creative process or to those you love.

Running at What We Avoid
We want a life of ease and comfort. But we need the pain and discomfort of running toward the very things that make us feel incompetent or uncomfortable. Sam and Blaine address this topic through the lens of fatherhood, sharing how they're being shaped in this season of low sleep and high demand. Pressing into what feels like too much is messy. But the greater danger is succeeding at a life of ease where you never risk offering beyond your comfort zone. Change starts by inviting God into these areas of your soul that need tending—and a willingness to stop hiding and start saying "yes" to the impossible.

Getting All In Your Stuff
If we were to walk into your home, what would we conclude matters to you based on what's on your walls or in your garage? In other words, where do you spend your money and time? If that feels a bit personal, well, it's meant to. We call it the strategy of stuff. Because, as it turns out, your stuff tells a really revealing story about who you are and what you value. This is your invitation to get curious about what you choose to populate your world with—and why.

Longing to Belong
Regardless of where you grew up, it likely didn't feel like home in some ways. And that's normal. No earthly home can completely satisfy our soul's longing to belong—or compare to the eternal home God is preparing for us. Whether you felt misunderstood by those closest to you, lacked unconditional love, or had a restless rather than restful home life, this longing to belong causes us all, a times, to feel like exiles. In this MetaDragon episode, Sam and Blaine rethink what our search for home means...and why it matters so much.

Tattoo You
For most, the topic of tattoos sparks an immediate reaction. Whether you love 'em or hate 'em, tattoos provide an incredible entry point to the way we see the world and our bodies. It turns out the things we do with—and to—our bodies have more power than we tend to realize. And with tattoos, it's never just about ink on skin. In this conversation, Sam and Blaine talk about the spiritual dimension of tattoos (both good and bad)—as well as some practical and cultural considerations.

Castaway vs. Community
We tend to go bad directions when we're isolated. That's because we're meant to live in community rather than as castaways on our own private islands. God designed us to be relational in all areas of life...including in the things that bring us joy. Sam and Blaine offer some ways to find the communal / relational space for the craft you long to pursue with people who will protect and celebrate your passions—as well as how you can be that person for others. Because what brings you joy was never meant just for you...but for this world we're creating together.
Looking for older episodes? You can find our full library on Transistor FM.
And it’s a podcast on our cultural moment, post-modernity, the millennial world.
To become a great man, you have to become a good man, one day at a time. And to become a good man, you have to understand your moment. Discussing beauty, adventure, politics, theology, psychology, and the soul, we have conversations with experts and dive deep into topics that, if you understand them, will help you change your life.
New episodes drop weekly.