And Sons Podcast Archive
Explore the archive of the weekly podcast, hosted by Sam Eldredge and Blaine Eldredge, on the development of the soul, our cultural moment, and interviews with experts in their own words.
The Episodes

Blessings from the Podcast Finale
A collection of heartfelt goodbyes, blessings, and thank yous from some of the voices that have made the And Sons podcast possible over the years.

This is it. The final And Sons podcast. In this profoundly heartfelt conversation, Sam and Blaine look back at how this podcast came to be, what this journey has meant to each of them, and how their understanding of success has shifted over the years. This episode, originally a livestream, includes past And Sons podcast guests speaking a blessing over your life. Come raise a glass and celebrate the hard but timely end to this amazing chapter.

The Journey
How do you know when it's time to end a good thing? As the And Sons podcast nears its final episode, Sam and Blaine reveal how they knew this was the right moment to bring the series to a close. They also share how beautiful and hard it's been knowing this decision may disappoint others, facing the risk of what's next, grappling with the difference between leaving and arriving, and processing their own grief as this chapter comes to a close.

What’s Next?
The And Sons podcast is drawing to a close but And Sons is NOT ending. In this conversation, Sam and Blaine share what's next for each of them. Sam reveals plans for the future print volumes of the magazine as well as a 2022 live And Sons event that will become a long-term video resource for young men. And Blaine introduces his new focus, named Mount Vigil. Completely distinct from And Sons, Mount Vigil is a platform to help men and women interpret the movements of the story of God and discover how to enter into a deep and alert experience of Jesus in this significant time. For more on Mount Vigil—including podcasts, articles, and videos—visit www.mountvigil.org.

Sage Advice for Your Twenties
The Wild at Heart men's team recently gathered for a new mission—to share insights gleaned from the ups and downs of their twenties. To start the conversation, Sam and Blaine invited the guys over 40 (John, Bart, Allen, Morgan, Alex, JD, Justin, and Barry) into the podcast studio one at a time and asked them this question: "Looking back, what do you now wish you could tell the you of your twenties"? The advice is timely and timeless because every man feels both overwhelmed and underqualified during this demanding season. So imagine being around a fire-pit with these men as you take in these personal, powerful stories of those who have traveled the miles, earned the scars, and, along the way, discovered what matters most.

God’s Will?
In this listener-requested topic, Sam and Blaine enter the deep waters of how to know the will of God. Most arrive at this question through the problem of pain, the desire to make choices that please God, or seeking his seal of approval on an outcome we want. But what if something more is at play that requires us to ask additional questions? Like how do free will and the issue of evil factor into the equation? Does God have a single vision for our lives (so we better not blow it)—or is he inviting us to co-determine the future with him? Finally...if the Creator really does care enough to engage with us in both the daily and the major decisions, how do we enter into that with him?

All Good Things
This episode features a big announcement about what's ahead for And Sons. You'll want to find some space to be fully present for this recent live stream where Sam and Blaine share what this new season looks like for them and the future of this podcast series.
Show Note: Language Warning.

Do This, Not That
After more than 230 And Sons podcasts—that's around 14,000 minutes—on practically every topic imaginable, how could anyone distill it all down to a few main points? That was the Herculean challenge given to Sam and Blaine. They accepted, and the results may surprise you. They each created a list of "3 Do's and 3 Don'ts" they felt was essential for guys in their 20s and 30s. So lean in, listen well, and do this...but not that.
Show Note: Language Warning.

The Second Age of the Sorcerer
We live at a crazy moment in human history. The veil of modernity has fallen away and the re-spiritualization of the world is occurring. Once again, people are being drawn to the spiritual side of things. But having one's spiritual senses opened up without allegiance to Jesus and the covering of Christianity is disastrous. The good news is we can learn how to operate in this age really well. Jesus has everything we need. But we must ask him to teach us how to respond to these sorcerers, magicians, and spiritual anarchists as they re-emerge from the shadows with these ancient strategies.

Body and Spirit: Christians as Amphibians
John Eldredge joins Sam and Blaine for this episode—the most recent And Sons live stream. It's no secret that humanity is hard-pressed and beat up. But if we're going to recover from the current global trauma and understand the spiritual forces in our world, we need to first realize an essential truth. As Christians, we actually live in two worlds—the natural and the spiritual. And just as amphibians can transition easily from water to land, we need to discover how to tap into the strengths of God and his kingdom right here in the natural world around us.

Sailors and Squirrels
What do you do in seasons where the things that once brought great joy no longer seem possible? The desire is still there, but the time or perhaps the money isn't. Through the doorway of sailing and yeah, even squirrels, Sam and Blaine offer a message of serious hope. Don't ever stop pursuing what brings you joy. Even when the epic seems out of reach, there are small things you can do to turn your daydreams of the past into fuel for the future reality you desire.

The Sam & Blaine Mixtape
Certain songs have the ability to move you like nothing else, bringing you right back to key moments in life. Sometimes you choose the songs; sometimes they choose you. Either way, music's a potent mix of melody, memory, and emotion. Maybe that's why ancient epics often weren't poems or stories...but songs. In this conversation about music, Sam and Blaine share songs from the soundtracks of their lives while inviting you to remember the songs from various seasons of your own life.

Know Your Own Heart
In this recent livestream, Sam and Blaine explore the high cost of ignoring our hearts. Yes, the heart is messy and complicated, but it's also the epicenter of our emotions, desires, motives, and experiences. When we become untethered from it and mask our feelings, we open the door to shame, despair, and anger. For those willing and brave enough, there is a way back to wholeheartedness. Here are some simple practices for becoming a student of the heart.

Captivated by Jesus
Our souls grow weary from the relentless pace of life filled with non-stop demands for more of us than we have to give. In these times it's hard to remember our treasured times with Jesus...much less how to be captivated by him. Stasi Eldredge joins Sam and Blaine with a much-needed reminder that God is in our longings. She tenderly shows how grief can intermingle with intimacy. Ways to let our hearts surface in God's care. And how important it is for us to remember who we are, who God is, and the truer story that he's telling through the messiness and beauty of our lives.

Anxious About Everything
If you struggle with anxiety, you're not alone. More than 40 million adults struggle with anxiety. It's the most common mental illness in America. But we don't really talk about it, probably because it creates a sense of shame or makes us feel like a failure. Luke Eldredge joins Sam for a conversation to address what's really going on and offer some practical things that help when anxiety hits.

Surviving Depression
In this foundational episode, Sam and Blaine are joined by trauma therapist and bestselling author Dan Allender for a candid conversation about depression and suicide. As an entry into this weighty topic, Sam shares his personal story of wrestling with depression during high school and college—and how that tied to his deep desire to be an advocate for the underdog. Just as in Sam's story, God seeks to restore what's been broken or stolen in all our lives. That hard but hopeful process begins with discovering how to name, understand, and seek help for the shame, anger, despair, depression, or even agreements with death that come against us.

Breaking Up is Hard to Do
A listener recently wrote in asking for a conversation on breakups. He was going through a difficult season after the end of a relationship and thought this topic was one most guys could benefit from. We agree. Some of you have been broken up with. Others are in an unhealthy relationship that you need to end. But even if you're single and not currently dating or you're in a marriage you're fully committed to, there's greater healing available from understanding how past relationships have wounded and shaped you. So wherever you are in your story, here it is...the breakup podcast.

Discipline is Not Enough Pt. 1
When life requires more of us, we tend to buckle down, work hard, and get things done. But discipline alone can never create the mature, transformed man that God is after. Nor can the other extreme—a life of no discipline and resignation. Whether we shut down our heart or numb it, we miss the very moments where we could experience more of God. What if the invitation is to enter the hard times with him...to be fathered in essential lessons and strategies we could never make happen in our own strength? In the first half of this series, Sam and Blaine discuss how the gospel forever alters the story of hard work and resilience.

Establishing Boundaries
What are the boundaries of your life and kingdom...and how do you protect them in a world that puts no limits on its right to overrule your time, words, and decisions? In this "back to basics" conversation, Sam and Blaine remind us that we have been given a self by God and, because of that, have the fundamental right for our will to be done in our domain and kingdom. Discover the importance and limitations of boundaries, how enforcing boundaries is an act of self-care, and ways to offer healthy respect for the boundaries of others.

Can I Get a Witness?
We long to share meaningful experiences with others. It's in those times that we feel most seen and heard. Yet what about when there's no one to witness our victories, struggles, and eternal moments? In the third And Sons livestream conversation, Sam and Blaine share why these longings matter even when they can't be fully met, the importance of being known—and of knowing others—and why being a witness is one of the greatest dignities we can ever offer or receive.
Looking for older episodes? You can find our full library on Transistor FM.
And it’s a podcast on our cultural moment, post-modernity, the millennial world.
To become a great man, you have to become a good man, one day at a time. And to become a good man, you have to understand your moment. Discussing beauty, adventure, politics, theology, psychology, and the soul, we have conversations with experts and dive deep into topics that, if you understand them, will help you change your life.
New episodes drop weekly.