Print Vol. 3

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Fall 2019

The original trilogy is complete. 

Gnosticism, backcountry skiing, relational conflict, the Free Burma Rangers, pig hunting, the way out of false comparison, secrets to living with other people, work wear, nerdy board games, and more. 

  • 112 Pages

  • 8.25" x 10.75" Perfect Bound

  • Soft-Touch Cover

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Fall 2019

The original trilogy is complete. 

Gnosticism, backcountry skiing, relational conflict, the Free Burma Rangers, pig hunting, the way out of false comparison, secrets to living with other people, work wear, nerdy board games, and more. 

  • 112 Pages

  • 8.25" x 10.75" Perfect Bound

  • Soft-Touch Cover

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Fall 2019

The original trilogy is complete. 

Gnosticism, backcountry skiing, relational conflict, the Free Burma Rangers, pig hunting, the way out of false comparison, secrets to living with other people, work wear, nerdy board games, and more. 

  • 112 Pages

  • 8.25" x 10.75" Perfect Bound

  • Soft-Touch Cover

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I recently read “Papillon,” the true story of a young frenchman, Henri Charrière, who was falsely accused of murder and sent to spend his life in the penal colonies of French Guiana. Rather than accepting his fate, Charrière spent years in escape attempt after escape attempt, eventually succeeding. What struck me most in his story wasn’t his determination or the wild stories of his cavals. Instead, it was his lack of concern for five or 10 years of his life passing without much to show for it.

Our western culture demands results every day, every semester, at the very least every year. We are obsessed with the immediate.

Here at And Sons we are convinced that things worth having take time. Yes, we want to be present to the moment, but we also want to be focused on the long term, and on the men we are becoming. We are learning to see the day through the lens of the decade. Well, most of the time anyway.

That’s what we’re after with Volume 3: To give our attention to the slow development, to see the themes of our season that we might better discover where we are being invited to grow, or adventure, or to know when a transition has arrived. We’d like to be better men 10 years from now.

So welcome back, comrades. Hitting our third release feels a bit like gaining admission to the “trilogy club,” if there is such a thing, and if there’s not, then we’d like to form it.

Right from the start, we like to lead with a welcome to our Jesus-loving, eclectic, soul-level, adventurous, and (we think) beautiful magazine. No hidden surprises, no hidden agendas, just a group of guys who think it’s better to be ourselves than try to pretend to be something else.

We don’t believe Jesus needs to be dressed up or dumbed down. He is perfectly comfortable being himself and meeting us in the places and hobbies and things that we love, while always calling us further up and further into relationship, initiation, and the men we were meant to be.

– Sam Eldredge




Reader Mail

Comfort Food

Backcountry Skiing Hut Trips

Do Not Be Ashamed

Nerdy Boards

Conflict Isn’t Failure

Free Burma Rangers

An Explosive Word

Holy Smokes

The Worst Motive for Change

Stand & Deliver

Living High on the Hog

A Letter from Mom

To Whom Do I Compare?

We Must Be

Living with Other People

Gear Guide

Understanding Your Story

Greek Economics

Rethinking Amazing





Blaine Eldredge, Dave Small, John Eldredge, Josh Skaggs, Luke Eldredge, Mandy Nelson, Rachel Douglas Swanson, Sam Jolman, Sam Eldredge, Scott Morin 


Blaine Eldredge, Dave Small, Eric Figge, Fares Hamouche, Mark Skovorodko, Rachel Douglas Swanson, Richard Seldomridge, Taylor Boyd 


Blaine Eldredge, Brian Edward Miller, Mike Marshall, Nicholas Roberts, Valeriy Kachaev, Wookie Jones


Wookie Jones

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